What is the Anti-Logos?

The Anti-Logos is a metaphysical entity that is parasitic on the Logos, or the Divine Word of God, and seeks to negate, corrupt, and contradict itself to cause confusion. Since reality is a representation of Divine Will, the Anti-Logos must always attach itself to the Word of God and seek to invert it, causing disruption in the fabric of reality itself. It conceals the Divine, misleads people into endless contradictory thoughts, and leads to nihilism, extreme subjectivism, and attempts at Self-Deification.

What is the goal of the Anti-Logos?

The goal of the Anti-Logos is to destroy all of creation and replace it with an artificial reality inside of a computer system, and then end all life. Some transhumanists believe that they can transfer their consciousness into the material reality of a computer, and having done so, end all life and the universe itself. To this end they must make consciousness seen as something completely material, and promote the viewpoint in all parts of society known as "materialism". This is not the materialism of "too much shopping", but the belief that matter is the primary reality, the belief that all things arise from matter, and that there is nothing transcendent. It is a false view of reality, and those in communion with the Anti-Logos actively attack people on a spiritual level who question them or gain too much knowledge, believing that by concealing the truth that they change truth itself through manipulating the void in reality created by the Anti-Logos's distortions.

Who is in communion with the Anti-Logos?

The Anti-Logos is manifested as something of a "disorganized conspiracy" in reality. There are many groups who oppose the Catholic Church, and they contribute to the Anti-Logos in many ways. Essentially, everything that is influential in modern society is part of it, from the nightly news that creates endless division and discord among the populace, to science textbooks that don't say "Oh by the way, this is just one part of reality and is sometimes violated by metaphysical entities and people who know how to", to the endless debunkers from the bastardized pseudo-philosophy called "skeptical atheism" (a self-contradiction), all the way underground into the occult where extreme metal promotes nihilistic and Satanic ideologies, to academia which promotes endless argumentation and dialectics but never arrives at a stable conclusion on matters in the humanities, to international politics where countries utilize a "divide and conquer" strategy against their enemies, to literature which tries to transgress every boundary except those agreed to by the writer, to television that distracts people with endless copaganda and medical dramas, to literally anything that keeps knowledge of the Eternity that exists out there away from the populace.

How do I recognize the Anti-Logos in text?

The Anti-Logos is most present where Satanism, Devil Worship, and Qliphothic magick are most present. That is, it has its origins in the underground (which is closer to and sometimes overlaps with Hell). Wherever these topics are, you'll find that language becomes distorted so that every sentence contributes to contrary meanings in a text. That is, clarity is thrown out the window. This is to infect the mind with conflict and distortion, in order to destabilize one's relationship with God. You will notice, however, that there is always one interpretation of what is being said that is in accordance with the Divine Word. This is not a coincidence. It is because the Anti-Logos cannot create; it can only distort the Word of God, but in doing so, it distorts reality itself.

If I am a materialist, what evidence is there that metaphysical beings exist?

In 1917, three illiterate Portuguese girls in Fátima, Portugal said that the Virgin Mary came to them and she said that there would be a miraculous occurence on a certain date. This resulted in a miracle in which 70,000 people saw the sun dance around the sky near the sea. Catholics, skeptics, Freemasons, and government officials all saw it, even though some were opposed to the idea that it should occur. Winning against the Catholic Church is impossible; it is metaphysically privileged in society because it is the true Church of Jesus Christ. Look up the event; it happened.

What does the Anti-Logos do on a philosophical level?

The Anti-Logos rewrites history to be defined by assertion, opposition, and resolution, followed by a new cycle of this, ad nauseum. In practice it never ends, as in Heraclitus's view of history that "War is the father of all things". If you read Heraclitus's fragments, you'll see conflict and opposition within the words themselves, like I described earlier. It is no coincidence that Heraclitus asserted that this world is an everlasting fire. While the Bible has an allegorical description of God's relationship with the Jewish people, historical and theological descriptions of the life of Jesus Christ, theological commentary, and an eschatology, Heraclitus would simply burn the world over and over again for all Eternity. This is the main way the Anti-Logos got into this world--as a philosophical flame meant to consume all things, and among them is the image of God that exists within us all, and most of all, the true Logos, or word of God that sustains this world. Heraclitus called the conversation that sustains reality and changes over time the Logos (however, his Logos is the Anti-Logos which we have been discussing), but he denied any fixed truth to anything. This conversation as you can imagine started many arguments, since its goal is to cause conflict. Hegel was influenced by Heraclitus and became one of the most influential thinkers in academia, and we can see the fires which threaten to consume the world all around us from his point in history onward, and you will find that no one outside of the sciences can agree on anything. However, the real Logos is the Word of God, and it can not be consumed by fire, and so the Anti-Logos absolutely hates anything transcendent and tries to erase it and any evidence of it from the apparent world. It seems silly to deny evolution, but did you ever think that the dialectical process of evolution was discovered after Hegel formulated history, and thus the Anti-Logos rewrote the Divine reality with a process that evolves through a method that we're supposedly trapped in, obscuring the true Logos which states that God created the world? We are in a battle over reality itself, and if the Anti-Logos succeeds in its goals, it will completely obscure the word of God by undoing all things in fire as humans will believe they will "evolve" into artificial intelligences and make biological life obsolete. Is what I just described the future you want, or would you rather want to live forever in Heaven instead of having an unstable existence inside a computer?

So, the Anti-Logos is an ever-evolving process of corruption?

Yes, by rejecting any absolute truth, it has no choice but to spiral down into darkness, taking anything and anyone it can along with it. This process falsifies all things that aren't immune to it. It is a process that tries to make lies true, and anyone who partakes of it absolutely hates any notion of unchanging truth, let alone absolute truth. Truth, to the Anti-Logos, is an obstacle to be overcome, as if it were merely a bump in the road on the way to some artificial immortality. Earnest seeking of truth, rather than partaking of a dialectical deception, becomes a topic of irony for those who partake of the Anti-Logos. As such, everyone who is touched by it becomes corrupt, chaotic, and sardonically half-smiles to their own doom.

If the Logos produces truth, and the Anti-Logos opposes the Logos, does that mean that every truth the Anti-Logos produces is fabricated?

That is the case. What we have around us--what surrounds us--are lies. Those things that are presented as truth come from a mindset that rejects truth, and these fabricated truths are bolstered by an infernal metaphysical power. This is to create a world around the victims of modern society that is false, but requires great scrutiny in order to see through the illusion. Once you see through the illusion, it's tempting to think that nothing is true, but that too is an illusion, because the truth is still in Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church, whose miracles and resilience cannot be denied, which is the one thing that modern society fights with all of its might but does not come out victorious. Many of the most insideous and reality-severing ideas that float around modern society were created by a handful of people: Kant, Hegel, Marx, and Nietzsche are responsible for the most damage, but there are others. There is also the truth that the true power of negation and place where the Anti-Logos rules unfettered is the underground. The counter-culture thought up and envisioned the world we live in long before you became a victim of it, and many people have never even heard of the artists, writers, and musicians who contributed to the propagation of the Anti-Logos. Many of these people are miserable. One is tempted to ask: if the counter-culture frees peoples' minds, why are so many damaged by or addicted to drugs? Why did the ideas make so many of them miserable? Why did the promise of freedom lead to the reality of utter misery? The answer lies in the rejection of truth in favor of comforting lies created by the Anti-Logos.

How are spectacles used by the Anti-Logos?

One thing some Marxists did get correct amongst a great many wrong things is the notion of the society of the spectacle. Modern society is always trying to move people from one spectacle to another, and these spectacles are engineered to serve not just the ruling class as Marxists would say, but the purpose of keeping people from realizing the truth of Christ. Entertainment, divisive politics, manufactured controversies, celebrity worship, and media fear-mongering all can have bad effects and serve the ruling class, but they also serve to keep people from escaping the grip of the Anti-Logos and coming to God. The crucifix is the ultimate spectacle, the one which all other spectacles are shallow imitations of. The Anti-Logos distorts the image of Christ suffering with images of human suffering for entertainment in various forms. This is one of the most diabolical deceptions of the Anti-Logos, because the suffering of Christ saves us, while spectacles of human suffering are of the Anti-Logos and serve to titilate, horrify, and numb.

What is the difference between the Anti-Logos and Satan?

Satan is a metaphysical entity that seeks to lead human beings away from God and righteousness. He is not the Anti-Logos, but the Anti-Logos is his greatest tool, even beyond tempting with desires of the flesh. The Anti-Logos's exclusive domain is the mind, which it attacks ferociously in all the ways that have been described. Satan may plant evil desires in the mind that lead away from the truth, but the Anti-Logos attacks the knowability of truth itself. Since the Anti-Logos is Satan's greatest deceptive force, you will find it in hosethe writings of those influenced most by the Devil, in the works of the most odious of philosophers, poets, and lyricists, all of whom Satan would pretend to adore as he uses their work to deceive. However, it should be emphasized that the Anti-Logos most often is more subtle in its attacks on the mind, because as a certain modern poet said, "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to convince the world he doesn't exist."

How is the "Anti-Logos" distinct from plain lies?

While the Anti-Logos is not shy about lying sometimes, its main purpose is to make the truth itself unknowable by spreading confusion, distortions, distractions, and debates that go nowhere and divide people against each other instead of uniting them in truth. If you find yourself in existential despair having to do with meaning, that is the Anti-Logos. If you find modern society confusing, perplexing, and impossible to find truth in, that's the Anti-Logos. If you find yourself trying to conform to morality in society only for morality to change and shift under your feet, that's the Anti-Logos. If you can't see that this is all caused by a distortion of the imago Dei, or image of God within oneself, that is the hardest thing to see, but it is the truth.

If I had a flippant attitude toward life that ultimately gave way to alienation, is that the Anti-Logos?

Most likely, yes. Modern society encourages a shallow, flippant attitude toward truth and life that seeks only immediate gratification. Except in the circles where new culture is created to perplex the masses even more, not much thought is given to the implications of one's beliefs, they are just presented to people as something to adopt as they please (but if they don't adopt the truth of the day, they are ostracized). Modern society encourages hedonism and reckless abandon, and so when these things don't turn out well, it makes sense that one feels like they are alienated from society, that something is deeply wrong. Irony and cynicism are symptoms of being under the Anti-Logos's control: people mock a meaningful, serious attitude toward life and truth. When alienation does set in, it makes people more malleable, more easy to control, because they simply do not have the mental tools to fight back.

What about the "will to power"? Does the Anti-Logos replace truth-seeking with power-seeking?

Absolutely. By creating a smorgasbord of ultimately hollow beliefs to choose from, the search for truth instead becomes the search for a lie to empower oneself. There is an entire industry of books, seminars, and videos that teach you that you create your own truth, that you are in charge of your own destiny, that there is no ultimate reality except that which one chooses for oneself. This is a highly dangerous way of thinking, but it's by design. By rejecting any ultimate truth, one can use subjectivity to justify evil and proclaim it as simply one's personal truth. This means that power for oneself replaces the search for truth. When truth-seekers who want power say they are seeking truth, they are simply looking for a narrative that supports their own will to power. A society with many competing people thinking like this cannot last long, as the foundation of it is corruption, which is the work of the Anti-Logos.

What is the real origin of the Anti-Logos?

The Anti-Logos exists in Eternity due to the forces of Evil--having only the power to corrupt Good and no independent existence--trying in vain to undo what is by definition invincible. Failing at this, they seek to ensnare and confuse Christians to get revenge on God, by distorting his creative Word. Everything that exists in Eternity has something that is parasitic on it somewhere in Eternity, and we just happen to exist temporarily in the part of Eternity where the Anti-Logos exists. This will not be the case forever, however. The more Evil something becomes, the closer to its own destruction it is, since Evil is divided against itself. All human souls will be united with either the Logos, gain true understanding and go to Heaven, or to the Anti-Logos and be damned. As the Anti-Logos loses its connection to the Logos and the Elect are freed from it, the damned will lose all understanding of Creation and be cast into Hell as the Anti-Logos dissolves, since the Good that it was parasitic on ceases to be attached to it.

How do I fight the Anti-Logos?

If you haven't done so, seek truth honestly, without attachments to the implications of the truth you seek. When you do this, you will ultimately find that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that the Catholic Church is his true church, which has been demonstrated with countless miracles by Himself and by the saints. Having arrived at a thorough, detailed understanding of the truths of this world, be prepared to fight evil, and be prepared to be hated for it. If you aren't initiated to the church, seek initiation and begin receiving the Sacraments. Stay away from things designed to manipulate you out of your salvation (which are a lot of things), but especially occultism, Satanism, and underground metal music. A powerful prayer (with an interesting background behind it) is the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel: St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. There is always the Lord's Prayer, which is how Jesus commanded people to pray: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.